Friday, April 16, 2010

Installing OpenI 2.0 RC2

OpenI is an open source business intelligence application. It's main emphasis is on providing OLAP analysis, although it can also do regular reporting by allowing publishing of jasper report files.

Tomcat 5.5+ [with JDBC driver in the tomcat\lib directory]
JRE 1.5+
OLAP server
RDBMS + JDBC driver

Versions used
Tomcat 6.0.20
JRE 1.6.0_18
Mondrian 3.1.5
MySQL 5.0.45
MySQL Connector/J 5.1.10

  • Download the openi-tomcat package from sourceforge,
  • Extract the zip package to a temporary folder e.g. C:\temp
  • Edit the file tomcat\conf\tomcat-users.xml file and add some details for openi users.
<role rolename="openi"/>
<role rolename="app_admin"/>
<role rolename="foodmart_user"/><role rolename="foodmart_admin"/>
<user username="openiadmin" password="password" roles="openi,app_admin"/>
<user username="foodmartadmin" password="password" roles="openi,foodmart_admin"/>
<user username="foodmartuser" password="password" roles="openi,foodmart_user"/> 
  • Edit the tomcat\webapps\mondrian\web-inf\datasources.xml file. Modify the default datasource [with datasourcename of Provider=Mondrian;DataSource=MondrianFoodMart;].
  • Edit the DatasourceInfo element to put the appropriate details for the foodmart sample database i.e database url, username and password. e.g.
  • Start tomcat
  • Copy the file c:\temp\openi\openi.war to the tomcat\webapps folder. This will cause the application to be deployed
  • Using a browser, navigate to localhost:8080/openi
  • Login with username/password of openiadmin/password
  • Openi needs a folder in which to place project details. You'll be prompted to create one e.g .in c:\openi-projects. Click on the create sample project button to do this.
  • This will create the folder with a sample project that's made for the foodmart sample database.
  • Click on the Logout button
  • Edit the file c:\openi-projects\foodmart\project.xml and modify the jdbc_default string entry with the details for the sample foodmart database e.g. Put the correct database url, username and password. The details for the mondrian data source entry should match those in the tomcat\webapps\mondrian\web-inf\datasources.xml file, if this wasn't changed when installing the mondrian web application.
  • Create a new environment variable called PROJECTS_DIR with the value c:\\openi-projects.
  • Using a browser, navigate to localhost:8080/openi
  • Login with username/password of openiadmin/password
  • You can now view the analyses and reports of the sample foodmart project.

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