Versions used
VLC media player - 0.9.2
rem @ECHO OFF rem batch convert m4a files to mp3 (128kb/s encoding with 44100 sampling frequency) FOR /R %%G IN (*.m4a) DO (CALL :SUB_VLC "%%G") FOR /R %%G IN (**) DO (CALL :SUB_RENAME "%%G") GOTO :eof :SUB_VLC SET _firstbit=%1 SET _qt=" CALL SET _newnm=%%_firstbit:%_qt%=%% SET _commanm=%_newnm:,=_COMMA_% REM echo %_commanm% CALL "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc" -I dummy -vvv %1 --sout=#transcode{acodec="mp3",ab="128","channels=2",samplerate="44100"}:standard{access="file",mux="raw",dst="%_commanm%.mp3"} vlc://quit GOTO :eof :SUB_RENAME SET _origfnm=%1 SET _endbit=%_origfnm:*.m4a=% CALL SET _newfilenm=%%_origfnm:.m4a%_endbit%=.mp3%% SET _newfilenm=%_newfilenm:_COMMA_=,% COPY %1 %_newfilenm% DEL %1 GOTO :eof :eof
Great, just had to adjust the path to vlc, i.e. Program Files (x86) in my case. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteGreat file, but a few problems with file names like "D'yer Mak'er.m4a". Nothing that can't be sorted manually :)