Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Installing phpMyAdmin 3.1.1

phpMyAdmin is a web-based application used to administer MySQL databases.

Web server configured to process PHP pages

Versions used
PHP 5.2.8
Apache  2.2.8

  1. Download the package from the phpMyAdmin website, phpmyadmin.net.
  2. Unzip the package to a folder in the web server's document root, e.g. phpMyAdmin
  3. Create a folder named config in this home folder
  4. Navigate to http://yourserver/phpmyadmin/setup/ to set up the config.inc.php file in the config folder
  5. Click on the New Server to specify the details of the MySQL server to administer. Specify the hostname for the server. Other options can be left as default. Save these options.
  6. Save the new configuration
  7. Edit the newly created file ./config/config.inc.php. Change the blowfish_secret value to a different string that must contain numbers, letters and special characters e.g. my2blowfish$ecret.
  8. Move the file to the root of the phpmyadmin directory.
  9. The installation is complete and you can navigate to yourwebserver/phpmyadmin to start using it. Login with a valid MySQL login to the server configured for administration.
  10. If you are upgrading your installation, copy the config.inc.php file to your new installation/folder.

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