Friday, April 16, 2010

Installing Mondrian 3.1.5

Mondrian is an open source ROLAP server. It uses the ROLAP scheme of storing data i.e. It doesn't have a data storage engine of its own. The data is stored in an external relational database.

JRE 1.4+
Tomcat 5.5+ [with JDBC driver in the tomcat\lib directory]
RDMBS + JDBC driver

Versions used
JRE 1.6.0_18
Tomcat 6.0.20
MySQL 5.0.45
MySQL Connector/J 5.1.10

mysql> create database foodmart;
mysql> grant all on foodmart.* to foodmart@localhost identified by "foodmart";
mysql> use foodmart;
mysql> \. c:\temp\foodmart_mysql.sql
mysql> quit
  • Start tomcat
  • Copy c:\temp\mondrian-\lib\mondrian.war to the tomcat\webapps directory. This will cause the mondrian application to be deployed.
  • Edit the the fourhier.jsp, mondrian.jsp, colors.jsp and arrows.jsp files in the tomcat\webapps\mondrian\web-inf\queries directory. Edit the following line
<jp:mondrianQuery id="query01" jdbcDriver="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" jdbcUrl="jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart" catalogUri="/WEB-INF/queries/FoodMart.xml">
  • Replace it with details of the mysql foodmart database you've just created
<jp:mondrianQuery id="query01" jdbcDriver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" jdbcUrl="jdbc:mysql://localhost/foodmart?user=foodmart&password=foodmart" catalogUri="/WEB-INF/queries/FoodMart.xml"> 
  • Edit the the testrole.jsp files in the tomcat\webapps\mondrian\web-inf\queries directory. Edit the following line
<jp:mondrianQuery id="query01" jdbcDriver="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" jdbcUrl="jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart" catalogUri="/WEB-INF/queries/FoodMart.xml" role="California manager">
  • Replace it with details of the mysql foodmart database you've just created
<jp:mondrianQuery id="query01" jdbcDriver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" jdbcUrl="jdbc:mysql://localhost/foodmart?user=foodmart&password=foodmart" catalogUri="/WEB-INF/queries/FoodMart.xml" role="California manager">
  • Edit the tomcat\webapps\mondrian\web-inf\datasources.xml file. Edit the datasourceinfo tag of the default data source to have the details of the sample foodmart database. e.g.
  • Edit the tomcat\webapps\mondrian\web-inf\ file. Edit the connectionstring property to have the details of the sample foodmart database. e.g.
  • Edit the tomcat\webapps\mondrian\web-inf\web.xml file. Modify all occurrences of the string @mondrian.webapp.connectString@, replacing it with details for connecting to the sample foodmart database. This will be required for the connectString context parameter and the MDXQueryServlet servlet sections of the file e.g

  • Stop tomcat
  • Download the binary distribution of xalan 2.7.1 from
  • Unzip the package to a temporary folder e.g. c:\temp
  • Delete the file tomcat\webapps\mondrian\web-inf\lib\xalan.jar
  • Copy the files xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar, xml-apis.jar and serializer.jar from c:\temp\xalan-j_2_7_1 to the folder tomcat\webapps\mondrian\WEB-INF\lib\
  • Start tomcat
  • Using your browser, navigate to localhost:8080/mondrian
  • You can now get a feel of the examples using the links provided.

Using the schema workbench
In order to create OLAP cubes, you can use the mondrian schema workbench. The schema workbench is a Java desktop application allows you to
  • Visually create and test Mondrian OLAP cube schemas, validating the schema against the cube database
  • Run example MDX queries using the schema and the database
  • Browse the cube database
  1. Download the schema workbench zip package from sourceforge,
  2. Extract the zip file to c:\
  3. Place jdbc drivers to connect to the source database in the c:\schema-workbench\drivers folder
  4. Double-click the file c:\schema-workbench\workbench.bat to start the schema workbench. You'll need to have defined a JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME environment variable pointing to the java location.
  5. Click on the Tools | Connection menu
  6. Enter the connection details for the database
  7. You can then open the xml file that contains a mondrian schema definition for editing, or create a new schema definition.


  1. good man

    really good stuff

    you are a kind hearted soul

  2. hi, i want to know how can we integrate saiku or Jpivot after that? thank you

  3. For jpivot, see You can also look at the code for the ART project, It uses jpivot+mondrian to display pivot tables.

    Having said that, it may be better to fiddle with saiku. Not sure how much documentation is available on the web, but saiku is the future..
